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What is the best way to pot my plants in these planters?

The best way to pot your
plants in these planters is to place the plant directly into the pot and fill
it with high-quality potting soil. After potting, water the plant as usual by
pouring water over the top of the soil, ensuring even hydration and promoting
healthy root growth.

Can I use the pot planters indoors and outdoors?

The plant pot is designed as an outdoor product,
but when used properly, it is also suitable for indoor use. However, it is
important to ensure it remains excess water-free.

How does the drainage system work?

The water reservoir is designed to collect
excess water, which is then directed away through the integrated overflow pipe.
For your convenience, all outdoor products come pre-drilled with drainage
holes, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Are the ADA pots weather-resistant?

We specialize in creating
products that fully leverage plastic's advantages. As such, we guarantee that
our pots are UV-resistant and frost-resistant and that their colour will remain
vibrant over time.

Can my plant receive toomuch water?

If so, the excess water
will eventually accumulate at the bottom of the saucer. Once the saucer is
filled with water, we recommend tilting the pot to allow the surplus water to
drain away


  • Designed for indoor use

    Each flowerpot has a removable base, which effectively protects wooden floors, decks, carpets, and tabletops by preventing water drainage and soil spillage.

  • For outdoor planting

    the removable base plate allows for proper drainage, preventing excess water buildup and reducing the risk of root rot. This promotes better airflow, supporting healthy plant respiration and growth

  • Planter Filler

    Using ceramic planter fillers at the bottom of the pot is recommended. Placing them at the base helps elevate the potting soil, preventing excess water accumulation and promoting better drainage.
